Sunday, September 1, 2019

Week 2- Time Management within the Honors Community

This week, I was exposed to the authority within the University Honors Program.  During class on Monday, the honors directors spoke to our class about the requirements and activities up for participation as a part of the Honors experience.  Dr. Desiderio's conversation spoke to me the most, as he mentioned experiential learning and how it must be integrated in an honor student's undergraduate time.  He mentioned ways to earn credit through leadership and volunteer events. By exploring the Current Student Resources tab on the University Honors page, I discovered an event I would enjoy participating in my Freshman year.  
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Image credit-
Camp Blue Skies at Camp Twin Lakes is an alternative Spring Break trip that is affordable for honors students seeking chances to earn leadership experience.  After looking through nearly all my options, this opportunity stood out to me. This camp focuses on campers with severe mental and physical disabilities. I was a member of P.A.L.S. (Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies) in high school, and I love feeling like I am making people happy.  This chance is something I look to pursue.
On Wednesday, the class participated in an activity where we were told we had $86,400 to spend in a single day.  It was a random number of money for me but I quickly budgeted what I would buy. Some items included a new Subaru Outback, a plane ticket to Costa Rica, and a shopping spree for new clothing.  After the activity, it was revealed by Taylor and Doctora that there were in fact 86,400 seconds in a day (24 hours). This lesson on what I thought was money management in fact turned into the topic of time management.  Each second matters in a day and one must set goals for themselves to complete their responsibilities in time. It is important not only to put time in for academia but for getting the appropriate amount of sleep, finishing laundry, and having fun with clubs and school events.
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Image credit: 

Under the Eliminate Distractions table on this week's Google document, I reviewed the Time Management App called "Self Control". 
This extension allows me to block or set a time limit on websites that could cause distraction.  This will aid me in focusing on staying on track while doing homework instead of drifting off to Facebook or YouTube.  I will probably install it on my Mac soon!

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