Sunday, November 3, 2019

Preparing for Registration & Meaningful Inquiry

During Monday’s class, Erin Martin, a director in the Honors college, came in and discussed course registration for Spring 2020. She reviewed on information that our major advisors told us during our meetings including how to navigate the registration site.

When actually registering at 6am Nov 4, the following steps should be taken:
   Click Register (WINGS) on mygeorgiasouthern
   From there, click Student, registration, add/drop classes
   Enter your RAN given to you at your advisor meeting
   Type in CRNs (5 digit number by the course)
   And click submit changes!
Image result for class registration
Image credit-

The process seemed quite stressful until Erin showed us the process a little better.
On Wednesday, class began with a quiz on "The Art of Powerful Questions" which was an article that discussed how questions should be re-worded in order to provoke conversation and lead to more questions being asked. On a handout given to myself and my peers, there was a question, "What kind of POWERFUL question could a student in FYE ask about this semester?" I wrote that a good powerful question should ask "why" and I answered the handout question with the response, "A good powerful question I could ask is '"Why is it important to learn about diversity as a college freshman?"' Doctora read my question aloud to the class and stated it was very thought provoking.
Image result for diversity
Image credit-

The next part of class involved reading anonymous powerful questions made by my peers. My peer's scenario was that he/she had to change their major because of their advisor messing up and making the student behind in their courses and he/she asked, "What possibilities are available to improve the personal connection between advisors and students?" What makes this question powerful is that it provokes discussion. Also, one can decipher more questions with this one question. While I do not have the answer, I believe there are ways to ask others if your specific advisor is not of much aid. There are a variety of resources at Georgia Southern!

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